iam trying to find article from J. P. Kotter in Harvard Business Review 2001 v 79 and I am not able to locate

i attend a campus, this is my first course and I am having difficulty navigating in the library. need the above article for class


Hi Annette,

To find an article if you already have a citation, go to the online library and click on "Find Now" under the "Find Articles" icon:

Click on "A to Z of Online Journal Titles" under "Find Articles & More":

Next, type "Harvard Business Review" in the search box. You results will show that the Harvard Business Review is available in several databases, including EBSCO Business Source Elite from 1985 to present.

Click on the link for EBSCOhost Business Source Elite. From there you can go to the year and volume you are looking for. However, if you don't have the issue number, it may be easier to use the "Search within this publication" function on the right hand side. From there, type "Kotter" and choose author as your search type, and then limit the year to 2001:

The article, "What Leaders Really Do" should appear in your results. Is that the article you were looking for? To view the article, just click on the link for "full text."


  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 22
  • Answered By Fay Kallista

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