How can I find: "The Elements of Style", EB White?

AOU student new to this on line database, but willing to learn.


Unfortunately this title is not available in the Online Library; however, you may request it through the Interlibrary Loan program.

With ILL, you may request books, chapters of books, copies of articles from periodicals, and more and have the materials mailed to you.  Every attempt will be made to identify sources that are willing to lend your requested item, but not everything that can be cited is available for interlibrary loan. You will be advised by email if any requested item is unavailable through interlibrary loan.  For many cases, there is no charge for this service (in some cases there are additional fees if the requested item is only available outside of our network). 

On the Online Library homepage, select Interlibrary Loan from the SERVICES & POLICIES dropdown menu. 

On this page, you will find more info regarding Interlibrary Loan procedures and policies.  Under “How do I request materials?,” you will find the link to register for an ILL account. Click on “for new users.”  Fill in the required information and hit submit. For future ILL requests, you would then only need to log in.


  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 40
  • Answered By

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