I am looking for journal articles Strategic Family Therapy
One of the best places to look for any topics to do with psychotherapy or family therapy titles is the PsycARTICLES and PsycINFO article database in the Online Library.
From the entry page of the Online Library, click on the yellow Find Now button beneath Find Articles (ignore the QuickSearch box, because it isn't as comprehensive as one might hope). Scroll down the list of databases and click on PsycARTICLES and PsycINFO and search in that database directly. To get the "cream of the crop" articles, you want to click on Full Text AND on the Peer Reviewed boxes beneath the search. My simple search looking for "strategic family therapy" (without the quotes) found 1938 results. If you use quotes it looks for those words together as a phrase, which finds 129 (you could also look for strategic "family therapy"). There are other psychology-centric databases out there as well.
Hope this helps!
Toni Canfield
AUTC Library