Where can I find a copy of EDMC's Conflict of Interest Statement for my IRB application?


This answer is based on navigating the Argosy University Twin Cities campus Student Portal.

In the Student Portal, on the Academics page, there is a section lower on the main column of the page called Department Specifc Forms and Documents.  Click on the College you are attending (Education, Psychology, Business, etc.), and the menu underneath it expands to show and the IRB Handbook is under the section entitled "General."  Within the IRB_Handbook (September 2011 edition), there is a sample Conflict of Interest (Disclosure) statement on page 83.  The Table of Contents of the IRB Handbook is linked, so by clicking on the chapter heading it will take you directly there.  (The document's page number and the page of the PDF do not match - it is PDF page 94 if you wanted to navigate that way.)



  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 220
  • Answered By Carl Ralston

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