How do I find a scholory document on the muslim religion



To access the scholarly/peer -reveiwed journals for you topic, you will want to start at the Library Homepage, click on the Find Articles Button.  From the top of that page, click on ProQuest Central as that is our largest Multi-Disciplinary Database.  Clicking on this link, you will be directed to the Basic Search Page of ProQuest. 

You can do an exact phrase search by putting quotation marks around your search topic, "Muslim Religion."  Another search term you may want to try searching for is Islam, as that is the Religion Muslims (used a a noun) adhere to. 

To only retrieve full-text and peer-reviewed/Scholarly articles, you will want to check the box next each limiter located under the basic search field. 

Hope this Helps!


  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 70
  • Answered By

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