I am trying to research the principles and methods of identifying mental disorders
Starting on the Online Library homepage, click on the Find Articles button. You will then be on the Find Articles & More page and will find an alphabetical list of the databases. You can view the summaries of what each one covers and access any of them by clicking on the database name.
I suggest looking into the following databases:
Psychology Journals
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
ProQuest Central (this is our largest multi-disciplinary database and covers numerous subject areas and 26 databases all in one search)
In all of these databases you have the option to select Full Text. You will also have the option to select scholarly or peer reviewed journals. All of the databases except for Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection are through ProQuest. For these ProQuest databases, I suggest using the Advanced Search option for more choices to build your search.
Some suggestions of keyword searches would be:
methods AND "identifying mental disorders"
"mental disorders" AND diagnosis
Note that I am using quotes. You need to use quotes when searching for phrases (two or more words).