I need 2 peer reviewed articles or journals on diversity in career counseling.

Identify a population that you would like to work with and discuss how career counseling can be effective with this population and any challenges that they may face.


Thanks for contacting the library!  To find peer reviewed articles on the topic of a certain population and career counseling, you will want to use the library's online databases.  You can find these by clicking on Find Articles on the online library's homepage.  From the list that appears, I would suggest using ProQuest Central or PsycARTICLES and PsycINFO.  

Once you are in the database, you will see a box to enter your keyword searches.  First, click Full text and Peer reviewed to make sure that you can immediately read the full article and that it is scholarly.  Next, you can combine a variety of different keyphrases and keywords to help you build your search.  I would start with whichever population you have decided to use and "career counsel*".  But putting your keyword phrase in quotes, the system knows to search for those words specifically together.  Adding an asterisk at the end of counsel* tells the system to look for all of the different variations such as counsel-ing, counsel-or, counsel-s, counsel-ed.  You can also add words like challenges and effectiveness to you search to find those characteristics.  Don't forget to try synonyms for you keywords as well because the author may have used different words than you.  I've included a picture below of what your search can look like.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reply and we'll help you out!


  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 281
  • Answered By

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