How can I collect insurance as a nationally licensed Pastoral Counselor


Hi Jennifer,

Thansk for contacting the online library.  Are you looking for research resources to help you write a paper about collecting insurance as a pastoral counselor?  If so, I would suggest starting with the database called ProQuest Central or PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES which you can find by clicking the Find Articles button on the library's homepage.  It will provide you with analysis and research on the topics.  

I've include a search string in the picture below to help you get started.  By putting the phrase pastoral counseling in quotes, the system knows to search for that exact phrase.  Putting an asterisk at the end of counsel tells the system to search for all the different endings, i.e. counsels, counselor, counseling.  It will bring you back more results.  To combine phrases, you use a capital AND.  If you are looking for peer reviewed articles, click the peer reviewed button as well as full text.

If the research aspect is not what you are looking for, I would suggest getting in contact with the American Association of Pastoral Counselors ( and request their help determining how and which insurances will be accepted.  They list a referrals directory where you may be able to find a contact in your area that you could meet with.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.


  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 63
  • Answered By

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