Where would I find the role of judge and role of jury?
If you are looking for general information, use the database Credo Reference. On the library homepage, go to Database List. On the Database List page, the databases are listed alphabetically. Click C and then click Credo Reference in the results.
Credo Reference provides articles and entries from hundreds of encyclopedias, dictionaries and more. You can search for each term (judge and jury) to locate information on the role of each in the court system.
If you need to locate peer reviewed articles, on the Database List page, you can use Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text (EBSCO) or Criminal Justice Database (ProQuest). You will want to limit your search to full text articles by checking this box before searching. If you need peer reviewed sources, you can also check this box. You may want to search for:
juries AND decision making
juries AND criminal sentences
judges AND decision making