How do I access books and articles online?

I need to find books and articles about counseling theories


To find articles:
One way to access published journals in the Online Library is to click the Database List button on the library homepage. The new page that you're brought to, Database List, contains a list of all of the databases found in the library. It is arranged alphabetically and you will be able to read a summary of each database. After clicking on the database link, you will then have the option to select peer reviewed or scholarly articles which means that your search will be limited to just peer reviewed journals and will exclude newspapers and wire feeds for example. I often will go to ProQuest Central (a multidisciplinary database) at the top of the list.

To find books:
To access electronic books within the Online Library on the Database List page there is a dropdown to filter by Database Type.  You can choose Books to get a list of our ebook collections.  E
ach database presents electronic books which are completely readable online.

  • Last Updated Mar 16, 2018
  • Views 82
  • Answered By

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