I am looking for research on Should smoking be banned from the United States.



For this kind of question, my favorite place to start is the database called "SIRS Issues Researcher."  At the Online Library page, click on the Find Articles button.  On the Find Articles page, scroll way down until you find SIRS.

Once you open SIRS Issues Researcher, in the left center of the screen you should see a list of topics.  If you scroll down the list, there is an entry for Smoking Bans.  Click on that entry and you should see a list of articles on the topic. 

The first entry, titled "At Issue: Smoking Bans" gives a brief outline of the issue and has links to articles pro and con.

I hope this is enough to get you started.

Best regards,

C. Ralston

  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 9
  • Answered By Carl Ralston

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