Where can I find A.T. McLellan, D.C. Lewis, C.P. O'Brien, and H.D. Kleber, "Drug Dependence, a Chronic Medical Illness," JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN
Unfortunately, we do not have access to that article. If you click on "A-Z of Online Journals" on the right side of the Online Library and search for "Journal of the American Medical Association," you will be able to see that we do have access to that journal through ProQuest from 2011 to present. However, since the article you are seeking is from 2000, we do not have access to that particular article.
You can, however, request the article through interlibrary loan. If you go to Services & Polices--> Interlibrary Loan on the Online LIbrary and follow the instructions listed there, you will be able to request the article. If possible, it will be emailed to you within a few business days.
Please let us know if you have any other questions!