the principles and methods of identifying mental disorders



There are excellent resources available in the online library. One database I'd recommend is Psychology Journals (ProQuest). Start at the library homepage and click on the Find Articles button. Scroll down to Psychology Journals (ProQuest) 

Click on the link. You'll see a basic search bar. Enter your key word or key phrase such as "mental disorders" (use quotation marks when you enter a phrase). If you choose Advanced Search you can build more precise searchs such as:

 "identify mental disorders" AND methods

"mental disorders" AND methods

Other databases you may want to use include:


Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCO)

Click the Full Text box, and if needed click the Peer Reviewed box. If you have additional questions please feel free to call or email the online library.


  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 298
  • Answered By

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