I need to know if you can help me find something relevant on Denny Fitch who helped fly and save lives back in July 19, 1989 and where he lived

I need to know if you can help me find something relevant on Denny Fitch who helped fly and save lives back in July 19, 1989 and where he lived when he was a child and why he chose to become a pilot when he was younger.


To locate articles including obituaries on Denny Fitch, I recommend going to the database ProQuest Central. On the library homepage, click on the Find Articles button. On the Find Articles & More page, you will find an alphabetical list of databases in the library. ProQuest Central is also listed at the top of the page. 

In ProQuest Central, be sure to check the Full Text box to get the entire article. Search with quotes around his name as shown below.

Please contact us again if you have more questions!

  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 36
  • Answered By

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