should electronic screening technologies, such as full body scanning X-rays, be allowed in ultra-conservative societies such as Saudi Arabia and
are citizens of ultra-conservative societies X-rayed at airports
Hi Chastity,
Thanks for contacting the Online Library. There are several databases you may want to search. If you go to the Online Library and click on Find Articles & More, then scroll down to Points of View Reference Center. From Points of View Reference Center, scroll down to the Browse by Category section. Under Citizens' Rights, there is a category for Airport Security and Body Scanners. There will be some good information there, particularly if you click on the Counterpoint article.
Also under Find Articles & More are ProQuest Central and Academic Search Complete. You may want to try your search in both of these databases. Make sure you click on Advanced Search in these databases. Some good search terms would be:
Saudi AND "airport security" AND "body scan"
Saudi AND "full body scan"
religi* AND "airport security" AND "body scan"
Make sure you enter the search terms as they are listed above with quotation marks (to bring back the exact phrase) and the * (to bring back religion, religious, etc). You can use these search terms in both databases.
Let us knowi if you have any other questions!