I saved an article from proquest but it its not locating the article because my session has timed out, when I log back into argosy how can i

I saved an article from proquest but it its not locating the article because my session has timed out, when I log back into argosy how can i locate the journal, what part of the URL can i use to locate it? The title is not within the URL but other lingo.
I saved some articles from proquest for further reading in relations to my dissertation but because the session timed out I cant reinput the URL and find it inside Argosy University library. I really need the articles but here is the URL for one http://media.proquest.com.libproxy.edmc.edu/media/pq/classic/doc/775163701/fmt/prv/rep/300PDF?hl=the%2Cthe%2Cuses%2Cuse%2Cuses%2Cuse%2Cof%2Cof%2Cthe%2Cthe%2Cmyer%2Cmyers%2Cbriggs%2Cmyer%2Cmyers%2Cbriggs%2Ctypes%2Ctype%2Ctypes%2Ctype%2Cindicators%2Cindicator%2Cindicators%2Cindicator%2Cmbti%2Cmbti%2Cas%2Cas%2Ca%2Ca%2Cpredictors%2Cpredictor%2Cpredictors%2Cpredictor%2Cof%2Cof%2Cstudents%2Cstudent%2Cstudents%2Cstudent%2Csuccesses%2Csuccess%2Csuccesses%2Csuccess%2Cretentions%2Cretention%2Cretentions%2Cretention%2Cin%2Cin%2Ca%2Ca%2Ccommunities%2Ccommunity%2Ccommunities%2Ccommunity%2Ccolleges%2Ccollege%2Ccolleges%2Ccollege%2Crecordings%2Crecording%2Crecordings%2Crecording%2Cstudios%2Cstudio%2Cstudios%2Cstudio%2Ctechnique%2Ctechniques%2Ctechnique%2Ctechniques%2Ccourses%2Ccourse%2Ccourses%2Ccourse%2Cvans%2Cvan%2Cvans%2Cvan%2Cregenmorter%2Cregenmorter%2C2004%2C2004&cit%3Aauth=Van+Regenmorter%2C+Merlyn+J&cit%3Atitle=The+use+of+the+Myers-Briggs+Type+Indicator+%28MBTI%29+as+a+predictor+of+...&cit%3Apub=ProQuest+Dissertations+and+Theses&cit%3Avol=&cit%3Aiss=&cit%3Apg=n%2Fa&cit%3Adate=2004&ic=true&cit%3Aprod=ProQuest+Dissertations+%26+Theses+Full+Text&_a=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%3D&_s=2r8Zpj3OYVkqWM9nE4IpwYqOTbA%3D#statusbar=1&zoom=110
Thank you for your help this may help me with articles being saved in the future from proquest.



I'm very sorry you were unable to access your article. Unfortunately the link you provided does not work. If you sign into your ProQuest folder prior to starting your search, you can save articles permanently. If you are not signed in they are only saved until you end your session or it logs out.

Here are a few ways to recover your work in the future: jot down the title and author of an article, or email items using the email tool, save it to your ProQuest folder, or download it and save it to your computer.

You can call us to try to help you find it but you'll need to provide some information such as search terms, or title, or author, etc.

Please contact with any additional questions.

  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 16
  • Answered By

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