Which resource should I use for finding an aricle on future trends of gender reinforcements; Psyariticle and Psyc INFO or Psychology and

Which resource should I use for finding an aricle on future trends of gender reinforcements; Psyariticle and Psyc INFO or Psychology and Behavioral Seciences Collection or Psychollgy journals (ProQuest) or Social Science Journals?r
I am an Argosy U Online Student. I cannot find information for an Essay and I am falling behind in my work.


Hi Vivian,

Thanks for contacting the Online Library. For your search, you may want to try this search in PsycARTICLES and PsycINFO, Psychology Journals, and Psychology and Behavoiral Sciences Collection.  You can use the same search terms in both databases. 

You will want to click on the Advanced Search in both of these databases and separate your search terms out onto separate lines.  Good search terms would be:

"future trends" AND gender AND reinforcement*

trends AND gender AND reinforcement*

punishment* AND gender AND reinforcement*

punishment* AND gender AND reinforcement* AND "future trends"  [you can add a row to your search boxes by click "Add a Row" in the ProQuest databases or the plus sign in the EBSCO database)

Be sure you enter the search terms exactly as they are written above.  The quotation marks will bring back the exact phrase the * will bring back both reinforcement and reinforcements. 

You will be able to get a managable number of results with relevant articles with those search terms. 

Let us know if you have any other questions!


  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 26
  • Answered By

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