How do I find an article about music in Italy
Hi Sharie,
A good place to start your research would be ProQuest Central. You can access ProQuest Central from the Find Articles and More button on the Online Library.
After you have clicked on ProQuest Central, click on Advanced Search. In the first search bar, type in "folk music" including the quotation marks. Using the quotation marks will make sure to only bring back articles wihere those two words are used together as a phrase. In the dropdown menu to the right of the search bar, leave the selection on Anywhere. On the next search box down, type in Italy. On the dropdown menu to the right of the search box, select Anywhere Except Full Text-- ALL.
Before you hit search, scroll down to your search options and click on the box marked Full Text. Your results will then only include records with full articles attached to them. If you need scholarly or peer-reviewed articles for your project, you can also check that box off as well. Then, hit search. To read the articles in your results list, click on the title of the article you wish to read, then click on Full Text - PDF on the right hand side of the screen.
Please let us know if you have any other questions!