Can you help me locate the speech "I have a dream" from the New African journal?


Please follow the steps I've listed below to access the speech "I Have a Dream"

-Launch the Online Library

-Click on the A-Z of Online Journals link (under where it says Featured Resources in the upper right corner of the library homepage)

-Next, type in the name of the journal that has the speech New African into the search box and then click search

-From the results you get back, click on the link that says Academic Search Complete

-On the new page you're brought to, click on the link that says Search within this publication (this will be above where it says Publication Details, on the left hand side of the screen) and then once the screen changes, in the second white search box, type in the words I have a dream and then click search.

-Your article should be the fourth result listed. Click on PDF Full Text to open the article.

  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 9
  • Answered By

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