Hi, I need to find information about the past, presenrt and possible future applications of the right to remain silent and the right to counsel

Hi, I need to find information about the past, presenrt and possible future applications of the right to remain silent and the right to counsel for suspects in police custody.


Thanks for contacting the online library. You can find information on your topic using theses search phrases:

"Fifth Amendment" OR "right to remain silent" 

"Sixth Amendment" OR "right to counsel"

Using quotation marks, as I have, will return more precise results.

Begin at the library homepage.

Select the Find Articles button.

Select the database ProQuest Central. You can use the same steps using the All EBSCO link too.

Enter a check mark in the Full Text box. 

Click Advanced Search (found above the bar)

Enter "Fifth Amendment" in the top search bar.

Enter "right to remain silent"  in the next search bar. Change AND to OR  (use the drop down icon).

Click Search.

Set up the same type of search query for the second part of your question by using:

"Sixth Amendment" OR "right to counsel"

Contact us with any additional questions.

  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 108
  • Answered By

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