What are three negative effects the Industrial Revolution had on the environment?
Please follow the steps listed below to find information on your topic:
-Launch the Online Library
-Click on the Find Articles and More button on the library homepage
-Next, scroll down to the letter "P" section and click on the link for ProQuest Central
-You can use keywords like the below to search:
- "Industrial Revolution" AND "negative impact" AND environment
- "Industrial Revolution" AND "environmental impact"
You may also want to do a search focusing specifically on one of the negative effects of the I.R. so a search would be:
"Industrial Revolution" AND pollution OR "industrial revolution" AND contamination
-Be sure to check the full text box to eliminate any results that are of just the abstract. Also be sure to use quotation marks when searching for an extact phrase, i.e. more than one word ("industrial revolution")
-Under the Featured Resources button, click where it says "Literati by Credo"