"study skills"

credible websites for "study skills"



There is a resource in the online library that may be a good first step to understand good study skills, and there are several credible sites on the web that I will point you to as well.

Begin at the homepage for the Online Library and click the button for Find Articles.

Scroll down and select Literati by Credo.

Enter the phrase "study skills" in the search bar. Use quotation marks as I have in order to return the exact phrase.

The first result is called a Topic page which will provide good background information on good study skills.

Click the title to read the article.

On the web, there are several credible sites discussing study skills:

Virginia Tech Study Skills Information: http://www.ucc.vt.edu/academic_support_students/study_skills_information/

Penn State Academic Success Study Skills: http://dus.psu.edu/academicsuccess/studyskills.html

How to Study.org: http://www.howtostudy.org/

Please contact us with any questions.


  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 33
  • Answered By

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