can I download a bookshelf to my laptop for offline reading?? that will have the books needed for my specific class as well???
I am in English 101 and I need to be able to do some offline reading for my homework and cant figure out how to do this
Yes, you can download any items in your VitalSource digital bookshelf to your personal computer.
To access the Digital bookshelf, please go to the campus common:
After logging in, you can select Digital Bookshelf fromt he dropdown under My Academics.
From the Digital Bookshelf page, on the right side, you will find the Digital Bookshelf Download page. When you click on the link, there are several options for downloading the Digital Bookshelf.
On the main Digital Bookshelf page, there is also a user's guide which will provide additional information.
If you have more questions concerning the digital bookshelf, please call: 1-800-377-0617
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