how can i find two different article on leadership, by the following authors:Myers & Sweeney, and Lee & Rodgers?



To find articles on leadership with specific author names, from the Online Library home page, click Find Articles.

From the list of resources provided, select ProQuest Central or All EBSCO databases near the top of the page.

Select Advanced search options or use the following recommended search criteria:

leadership AND au(Lee) AND au(Rogers)  

Or from the advanced search, use the following criteria: 


AND Lee in author

AND Rogers in author

Article found: Creating 'good' self-managers?: facilitating and governing an online self care skills training course.

Similarly, for the Sweeney & Myers article, I recommend:

leadership AND au(Sweeney) AND au(Myers)  

Or from the advanced search, use the following criteria: 


AND Sweeney in author

AND Myers in author

Article found: Advocacy for the Counseling Profession: Results of a National Survey.

***Please note:  Because these are fairly common names, there is no assurance that the articles provided are the correct articles.  

I recommend a search that includes part or all of the article title to assure that the correct articles are found. 

  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 9
  • Answered By

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