what is the meaning of adjectives



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To find the meaning of the word adjective, I recommend searching Literati by Credo which will provide a number of definitions from various reference sources.  

From the Online Library home page, click Find Articles, then scroll down the list of resources to Literati by Credo. 

Search criteria: adjective

For instance, The American Heritage dictionary of the English language lists the following definitions: 

1. The part of speech that modifies a noun or other substantive by limiting, qualifying, or specifying and distinguished in English morphologically by one of several suffixes, such as -able, -ous, -er, and -est, or syntactically by position directly preceding a noun or nominal phrase.


Any of the words belonging to this part of speech, such as white in the phrase a white house.


[Middle English , from Old French adjectif , from Late Latin adiectīvus , from adiectus , past participle of adicere, to add to : ad-, ad- + iacere, to throw ; see yē- in Indo-European roots.]

Adjective. (2011). In The American Heritage dictionary of the English language. http://libproxy.edmc.edu/login?url=http://literati.credoreference.com.libproxy.edmc.edu/content/entry/hmdictenglang/adjective/0


  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 31
  • Answered By

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