where is author information and citation found on credible websites,so far found many websites on stress management where do I look for author

where is author information and citation found on credible websites,so far found many websites on stress management where do I look for author information
online student



Thanks for contacting the Online Library.  Finding author information on a website will vary.  Not all websites will have an author listed, and not all websites with an author list the author information in the same place.  In general, good places to look for author information on websites are on the bottom of the page, the top of the page, and right after the end of the article.  You should also remember that the website may have a corporate author, such as an organization, or a company, etc. 

If you have a question about a specific website, we would be happy to help you as well.

Here is some information on citing websites from the OWL Purdue.  

Please let us know if you have any other questions!


  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 125
  • Answered By

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