can you help me find what search engine and database I need to use to find the need to use social media in a job search?
Thanks for contacting the Online Library!
The Internet browser you use should not make a difference in your search, however, I personally prefer Google Chrome.
To find information on your topic, I recommend the following:
- From the Online Library home page, click Find Articles and more
- Then from the list of resources provided I recommend:
- ProQest Central
- All EBSCO databases
- For your search criteria, I suggest:
- "social media" AND "job search"
- "social media" AND career
- "social media" AND "employment opportunities"
- You will also want to be sure to limit your search by checking the Full text check box.
- You may also want to check the Scholarly (peer reviewed) check box for studies and research on the topic.
See below for examples of the search criteria.
ProQuest Central:
Please let us know if you have additional questions or concerns.