trying to find a book or article about how the biome in my city and state has been impacted by humans using detailed information instead of my
trying to find a book or article about how the biome in my city and state has been impacted by humans using detailed information instead of my worldly student
Thanks for contacting the online library.
To find information about the biome of an area, I suggest the following:
- From the Online Library home page, click Find Articles and more
- I recommend either of the following resources from the list provided:
- All EBSCO databases
- ProQuest Central
- For your search criteria, I suggest:
- biome AND your city, county or state (Ex. biome AND Chicago)
- Be sure to check the Full Text check box
You may also want to search the Internet using the same search criteria, to get additional information. Note: Be sure to carefully verify your sources from the Internet to assure credibility.
Here are a couple of site you might find useful based on the information you provided:
Encyclopedia of Chicago - Plant Communities: - biomes:
Please let us know if you need additional information.