I need to find a article on helping communities, can you help?

How to help better our communities?




Thanks for contacting the AskToday Online Librarians.  Below, please find additional details for your search:

·        From the Online Library home page, click Find Articles and more

·        Choose a resource from the alphabetical list provided.  For your search I recommend:

o   All EBSCO Databases

o   ProQuest Central

·        For your search criteria, I suggest:

o   "community service" AND improvement

o   "improv* communit*" 

o   "community assistance" 

NOTE: Be sure to check the Full text check box to limit your search to articles found in the databases.  To further limit your search to peer reviewed articles, check the Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) check box as well.   You can also limit your search to specific date ranges, by using Publication Date (be sure to press the Enter key)

Be sure you enter your search terms as I have listed them above. 

  •  Quotation marks will bring back the exact phrase. 
  •  The asterisk* brings back all versions of a term. E.g. “supervisor, supervisors, supervisory, etc.”
  •  Check the box for Full Text to only bring back records with the full article attached. 

Note: You will likely want to mix and match above, and/or other search terms, as you fine-tune your search.




 Please let us know if you have any other questions and thank you for using AskToday!

  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 19
  • Answered By

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