How can I find peer review journals on ethics regarding counseling minor's? I cannot seem to find anything.
Thanks for contacting the Online Library. For your research about the ethics involved when counseling minors, I suggest the following databases:
- ProQuest Central
You can find these databases in the Find Articles and More section of the Online Library. I suggest using the Advanced Search setting in both, and also check the Full Text and Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) boxes to be sure those types of articles are returned.
For search terms I suggest:
- counseling
- ethics
- minors
- children
- youth
NOTE: in ProQuest Central when I used children OR youth as search term vs. minors , there were more off-topic results. It may be different result in the EBSCO database though.
Here is an example of how to set up your search:
I hope this helps you find the articles you need. Please contact us again if you have more questions.