How would I find peer related article If the media urges on an ideal slim image then society will believe that the ideal body image is slims for
Thanks for contacting the Online Library. For your research today, I would recommend the following databases:
· ProQuest Central
You can find both of these databases listed under the Find Articles and More button on the Online Library.
I would recommend using the advanced search in both of these databases. For search terms I would recommend:
- "body image" AND societ* AND "impact"
- "body image" AND societ* AND "influence"
- "body image" AND societ* AND "impact" OR "influence"
For the search terms listed above, you may want to mix and match them as indicated. Additionally, you will want to use quotation marks to have the search bring back the exact phrase; while the * will bring back the root word with various endings (for example society, societal etc.).
I would recommend checking the box for full text to bring back only records with the full text of the articles attached. Since you need peer-reviewed articles, be sure you check the box for peer-reviewed. Here is an example of how you will want to set up your searches: