I have the name of the article but I can't find it in the Proquest. Can you help me. Here is the name of the article. Effects of delta9-THC on
I have the name of the article but I can't find it in the Proquest. Can you help me. Here is the name of the article. Effects of delta9-THC on Woking memory implications for schizophrenia
Hello Sharon,
This article is available in the database called Academic Search Complete. You can find a link to this database near the top of the Find Articles page.
Oddly, the database has wrongly spelled Implications in its indexing data, so searching by the correct title doesn't work right now. Instead, you could do a search using the authors' last names Vadhan Serper Haney.
Here's the full citation:
Vadhan, N. P., Serper, M. R., & Haney, M. (2009). Effects of Δ9-THC on Working Memory: Implications for Schizophrenia?. Primary Psychiatry, 16(4), 51-59.
Best regards,
C. Ralston
Argosy University Library