mentally ill and animals

how do mentally ill benefit from animals


Hi Jessica,

 Thanks for contacting us. To find articles and information on mentally ill and the benefits of animals, I'd suggest starting with the PsycARTICLES/PsycINFO database, which you'll find in the Online Library under "Find Articles"

Once there, I'd use the keyords "therapy animals" and Mental Illess. I found a number of relevant articles.

If you wanted to look at book, you can also use the Book Search feature under the "Find Books" link. I'd use the keywords "therapy animals." This brings up a number of books on the use of animals in counseling and therapy, which can include mental illness.

I hope that provides a good start. Of course, if you hvae any questions, plesae feel free to contact me at or 312-777-7651. I'd be happy to assist you further.


Fay Kallista


Argosy University, Chicago | Illinois School of Professional Psychology

225 N. Michigan Ave | Library, Suite 1300 | Chicago, IL 60601



  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 38
  • Answered By Fay Kallista

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