need information about Belize cultur
Belize culture and references in APA format
Thank you for contacting the library.
To search for Belize culture, I would suggest browsing our eBooks collection:
- Navigate to the Online Library home page
- Click Find Books and more
- In the Book Search bar at the top, type in Belize culture as your search terms.
- On the next screen, you will see many results. You can further narrow your search with options on the left, if you wish.
- Click on the title of the book to access options to read it online. Depending on the title, other options may also be available to download the book and read offline.
- There will also be an option to Cite the book in APA format. The link is generally found on the left or right hand side of the screen, depending on the title you access.
Please let us know if you have further questions.
Argosy University Library