Where can I find this artical? Moore, Z. E. (2003). Ethical dilemmas in sport psychology: Discussion and recommendations for practice.

Where can I find this artical? Moore, Z. E. (2003). Ethical dilemmas in sport psychology: Discussion and recommendations for practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 34, 601–610. I seem to only come up with abstracts. Thanks


Thanks for contacting the Library.  I found the article and it is available in full-text, not just as an abstract. 

The landing page may default to the abstract when you get there, but you have to click on the full-text or full-text pdf tab in the options. 

Both of these tabs worked and I was able to view the full text--one as straight text and one as the scanned image of the original article.

Try clicking these tabs once in the article and you should be able to read the full text.  If you continue to experience difficulty, please let us know or contact the help desk.

Good luck.

Laura Rice

Director of Library Services

Argosy University Library Services


  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 13
  • Answered By Laura Rice

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