I need information on gestational surrogacy, can you help?

finding resources for paper


Thanks for contacting the Library.

If you go to the Library page and enter gestational surrogacy into the Library Search box, then hit Search, you will get quite a lot of results-about 2500+. 


Once you get the results list, you can narrow them to your specific needs, depending upon what they are.  To do so, use the "Refine Your Search" options on the left side of the screen.  You can choose only Peer-Review, for example.  Or, you can limit to a specific Discipline, such as medicine or law.  If you only want more recent articles, use the Publication Date limiter.


Another way to limit results is to add search terms to the search box.  For example, if you wanted to limit to articles about the legal issues associated with gestational surrogacy on parties involved, you could type in gestational surrogacy and law. 


If you need additional assistance with this topic, please ask us again.


Laura Rice

Argosy University Library Services


  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 21
  • Answered By Laura Rice

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