I am trying to find a artical on Police deathly force
Thanks for contacting the Library.
You can find a lot of articles on this topic. Enter police and deadly force into the search box under Library Search on the home page, and then click Search. (Just be sure to use the word "deadly," not "deathly.")
Results will appear on the next screen. There will be a lot. If it is too many, you can narrow the search. Use the Refine Your Search box on the left side to add filters. For example, if you only want peer-reviewed articles, click Peer-Review. If you only want articles from a certain time period, make the change in the Publication Date area. You can also add additional keywords into the search box to further narrow down the results. For example, try police and deadly force and victims.
If you want to read any article in the results list, just click the title and it will open.
Please let us know if you need any further assistance.
Laura Rice
Argosy University Library Services