how do I find the original paper written on zero tolerance in schools, school to prison pipeline, and restorative justice in schools
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I'm not sure what you mean by "the original paper." Are you looking for a specific paper by a specific author? If so, you can search by that title or author's name. Or, are you simply looking for articles on these topics? In that case, you can simply use the Library Search bar to enter your keywords and then search in multiple databases at once. For example, you can search for zero tolerance in schools, like this:
Now, you can limit the results by checking appropriate boxes under Refine Your Search. If you want to just look at journal articles that are peer-reviewed rather than everything like articles, books, newspapers, etc., you can choose those options. Just click whatever filter you want to apply.
You can do similar searches with your other keyword phrases.
Your results will be narrowed each time you apply a filter. To remove a filter, just uncheck it.
Please let us know if you need additional assistance. For more in-depth personal assistance, you can also visit your campus librarian. You can find her contact information under Ask a Librarian on the Library home page. Choose Tampa in the drop down menu.
Argosy University Library Services