need to find an article for a descriptive argument on gun control and also a prescriptive argument article on gun control as well
on-line student at argosy taking HUM200 A04 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.
Thank you for contacting the library. To conduct an initial search on your topic, I recommend the following:
- Navigate to the Online Library home page
- Click Find Articles and more
- Click on ProQuest Central or All EBSCO at the top of the page.
- To begin, try using the following search terms:
- Gun control
- Gun control argument
- Gun control facts
- On the next screen, you will see many results.
- Be sure to select the Full Text option on the left hand side to retrieve search results with the full article available.
- You can also narrow by subject and other limiters on the left side of the screen by selecting any of those suggested.
- Narrowing by document or source type may assist you. Options include: news, academic journals, commentary, and editorial, among others.
Please let us know if we can assist further.
Argosy University Library