10 peer reviewed articals on postive and negtive work place behavior


Thank you for contacting the Argosy University Library.

To locate peer-reviewed articles on positive and negative work place behavior, I recommend performing a search using the Library Search box located at the bottom of the Argosy University Library homepage.

Below are some suggested search terms:

  • "work place behavior"
  • "work place behaviour"
  • "work behavior"
  • "workplace behavior"

    When typing in your search terms, I recommend enclosing them in quotation marks. This will ensure that the terms will be interpreted as phrases. In addition, I would not use the terms "positive" or "negative" in your search strategy. You may inadvertently exclude some relavent articles.

    Also, be sure to apply the Peer-Review filter. This filter is located on the tool bar on the left.

    If the number of results you retrieve is overwhelming, another option is to search in one database that covers multiple disciplines. Academic Search Complete or ProQuest Central are two such databases. Click the Find Articles and More button from the library homepage to locate the links to these two resources.

    Please let us know if you have any additional questions.


    Argosy Universty Library

    • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
    • Views 27
    • Answered By

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