where can I find articles about ethical dilemmas regading diversity in the workplace?
I am looking for articles about the ethical dilemmas of diversity, safety, and discrimination in the workplace
Hello Tiana,
Thank you for contacting the library. To conduct an initial search on your topic, I recommend the following:
- Navigate to the Online Library home page
- Click Find Articles and more
- Click on ProQuest Central or All EBSCO at the top of the page.
- To begin, try using the following search terms:
- Workplace ethics
- Workplace discrimination AND ethics
- Workplace diversity AND ethics
- Workplace safety AND ethics
- On the next screen, you will see many results.
- Be sure to select the Full Text option on the left hand side to retrieve search results with the full article available.
- You can also narrow by subject and other limiters on the left side of the screen by selecting any of those suggested. They may help guide your research and thought process.
Please let us know if you have further questions.
Amanda Henderson
Argosy University Library