how would i find current laws and or legislation regarding the minimum wage laws
Thank you for contacting the library.
From the Online Library, select "Find Articles and More" and then select "All EBSCO" to connect to a multi-database search through EBSCO. This means you are searching multiple databases at one time through the database provider EBSCO.
On the EBSCO database page enter keyword search terms and then hit "search". Try "minimum wage" AND "legislation" AND "United States".
You can narrow your search further by using the refining tools on the left side of the search results page. Try limiting your search by: full-text (only full articles), scholarly (peer-reviewed academic articles), publication date, or source type (News or Journal Articles).
If you are looking for shorter reference sources a good database is Literati by Credo. To access and search Literati click on "Literati by Credo" in the upper right corner of the Online Library homepage under "Featured Resources". Try searching "minimum wage in the United States" in Literati.
Please let us know if you have any questions or need further assistance.
Thank You,
Alyssa Detrinidad
Argosy University Library