Find 2 companies that are in the same industry - one of the companies need to use business analytics and the other does not.


Thanks for contacting the Online Library.  For your research, I would recommend the following databases:


·        ABI/INFORM Complete

·        Business Source Complete


You can find both of these databases listed alphabetically under the Find Articles and More button in the Online Library.  I would recommend using the advanced search in both of these databases.  For search terms, I would recommend:

·        business analytics AND “case stud*”

·        business analytics AND compan*

·        business analytics AND “best practice*”

·        business analytics AND Google (for example—you can swap out Google with the name of any company you wish to look up specifically)

·        “data driven decision*” AND technolog*

·        “data based” AND decision AND technolog*

·        Data AND “decision making” AND technolog*

·        Analytics AND decision AND technolog*


You will want to mix and match these search terms as well.  Be sure you enter the search terms as I have listed them above.  The quotation marks will bring back the exact phrase and the * will bring back the root word with various endings—for example, company, companies, etc.  I would recommend checking the box for full text to only bring back records with the full text articles attached.  If you need scholarly or peer-reviewed articles, you will want to check the box for peer-reviewed as well to bring back only peer-reviewed articles.  

For more research on each company selected, I recommend: 

  • Hoover's Academic

I have attached a guide to using Hoover's Academic for your assistance. 

Please let us know if you have additional questions or concerns. 


  • Last Updated Jul 26, 2017
  • Views 110
  • Answered By

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